Saturday, March 10

Town of Parker Offers Free Landscaping Classes

Town Offers Free Landscaping Classes

Please join Craig Miller, Parker’s Urban Forester and Horticulturist, for two free landscaping classes in March.

Ever wonder what trees would be best for adding some color and excitement to your springtime landscape? Join us on March 11 as we cover the essentials of 35 different flowering trees, from fruit trees to crabapples, hawthorns to Horsechestnuts. On March 18, come learn the basics of pruning. How do you properly prune that tree or shrub in your yard? Why and when should you prune? What should you look for when contracting with a tree care professional? These and other questions will be answered during the course of this informative class.

Both classes will be held at Tagawa Garden Center located at 7711 South Parker Road at 1 p.m. For more information call Craig Miller at 303.840.9546 or email

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