Monday, June 11

Senior Fitness programs growing at Parker Recreation

Parker is growing, and so is its population of older adults. Parker Recreation is responding by expanding its fitness offerings for “mature” patrons over 50.

The Parker Recreation Center now offers 11 weekly classes designed specifically for older adults or other patrons with mobility challenges.

Aqua aerobics, also a great low impact exercise for all fitness levels, is offered 12 times each week. For a full fitness schedule, please call 303.841.4500.

A group of senior participants recently circulated a petition to support adding an additional cardiovascular class on Wednesdays. Notes Parker Recreation Fitness and Wellness Coordinator Kim Bailey, “This group is very proactive about letting us know their fitness interests and needs.” With high participation levels, commonly 35 participants in other Level Two classes, Bailey was happy to comply with the request. The new class, “Level Two Express,” meets Wednesdays from 1 to 1:50 p.m. and focuses on cardiovascular conditioning to balance the strength training participants get in their other classes.

One driving force behind the growth in senior participation is the SilverSneakers program offered through several Medicare supplemental insurance plans including certain Humana, Kaiser Permanente, PacifiCare and Secure Horizons plans. The program offers a FREE recreation center membership as a part of the subscribers’s overall wellness benefits.

At last check over 220 SilverSneakers members were taking advantage of their Recreation Center benefit. Bailey would love to see this number increase, as there are over 700 Parker residents who are eligible to enroll in the program. Not sure if your insurance qualifies you? Please stop by the Front Desk of the Recreation Center and a Guest Services Representative can check your card for eligibility.

SilverSneakers members will gain access to another 100,000 square feet of fitness options when the Parker Fieldhouse opens in June. “Our older patrons seem especially excited about the track,” says Bailey, “When it’s too hot in the summer or too icy in the winter to walk outside, they plan to come walk with friends at the Fieldhouse.”

Memberships, punch passes and daily admission fees for all age groups will be valid at both the Parker Recreation Center and Parker Fieldhouse once the new facility opens next month. For more information about Parker Recreation facilities and programs, visit or call 303.841.4500.

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