Sunday, September 2

Prayers Needed for the Steaming Bean

Friday night someone burglarized our local Christian Coffee Shop and stole their Karaoke computer, Karaoke software, all of the MP3 songs, and the loud speakers. For the recent future they won't be able to offer Karaoke. They need your support and prayers now more than ever. This was one of the great inexpensive family activities that was offered here in Parker. You often see our teenagers, kids and families coming to sing in a non-alcoholic, safe environment and getting to share their talent... or lack of it! in a fun friendly atmosphere. If you have any information on the theft please contact the Parker PD. And if you normally go to Starbucks everyday, how about making a trip to the Steaming Bean a few times a week to help support this great locally owned and operated business.

If you've never is located on the corner of Mainstreet & Parker Road in the Hobby Lobby Parking lot just behind the Conoco Station. They have WiFi also.

Support our local Businesses!

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