Friday, January 4

Douglas County Democrats set caucus locations

The Douglas County Democratic Party has finalized its caucus locations for 2008. All caucuses will occur on February 5, 7:00pm to 9:00pm.

In Colorado, the caucus is the only primary vote to nominate party candidates for president of the United States. The caucus is also where you elect delegates to represent you in nominating all other candidates for Federal, state, and county public offices, and to oversee the operations of the party. It is also the first step in writing the party platform.

Anticipating exceptionally high turnout, 17 locations have been reserved around the county, all in schools.

On the party web site,, you can find the caucus agenda, the rules, and a diagram of the nominating process. You can verify your party registration, find your precinct number, and then get an address and map for the correct caucus location.

In order to vote, you must have been registered as a Democrat in Colorado as of December 5, 2007. If you have recently moved, you must caucus with the precinct where you are registered as of January 7.

Paul D. Thompson
Chair, Douglas County Democratic Party
258 Hardwick Ct, Castle Rock, CO 80108


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